Google Marketing Next 2017 - Innovations Keynote - Full Video
Google Marketing Next was a two day event held in San Francisco from May 22 - 24, 2017. Its aim was to bring together digital marketing leaders from around the world to explore the future of Ads, Analytics and DoubleClick.
I watched the keynote and have summarised the Top Takeouts. My aim is to provide meaningful insight so that advertisers can debate and implement the innovations that were announced.
For those working in AdLand or who work directly with Google Account Managers will have hear most of what was announced already however a picture was painted as to what the roadmap will look like for the rest of 2017 and going into 2018.
I have written a series of summary/insightful articles to help digest this 1 hour and five or so minute announcement!
Intent - Data & Machine Learning at the Google Marketing Next 2017 - Innovations Keynote
Tools to make you Work Smarter at the Google Marketing Next 2017 - Innovations Keynote
DoubleClick Tools at the Google Marketing Next 2017 - Innovations Keynote
Google Assistant at the Google Marketing Next 2017 - Innovations Keynote
Google Surveys 360 at the Google Marketing Next 2017 - Innovations Keynote
Audience at the Google Marketing Next 2017 - Innovations Keynote
Attribution at the Google Marketing Next 2017 - Innovations Keynote
Google Assistant at the Google Marketing Next 2017 - Innovations Keynote
The full keynote can be found here Google Marketing Next Keynote.
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